Durgod Taurus K310 メカニカル キーボード

Unlike a few years ago,mechanical keyboard has been more mainstream nowadays .And that’s plenty of brands other than brands like Philco,Leopold ,Cherry ,all the brands that most of the enthusiasts will know .But today let’s take a look at some other brands——Durgod Taurus K310,that not a lot of local people will know.
Today what we have here is a keyboard from your god. The name might sound a bit weird, but that’s the kind of name you get from brands from China. Sometimes they don’t know how to name it, or you know the big audience, but let’s take a look at what they have to offer with this Taurus k310. Pretty sure that many of you guys will know, but keep on that and take a look at what they see. So the packaging is relatively standard for mechanical keyboards nowadays receive all those brands.
So what you have inside the box are user manuals where so many people read the keyboard itself. That comes with your usual dust cover or plastic cover. So not many people use it over the long run, but if you don’t want any dust or stuff to get in between your keycaps.
Inside, you have two cables, surprisingly because many brands give you only one line, just a sticker. I don’t know why you need the stickers, but you can stick them on your laptops or desktop PC.
Velcro ties it is beneficial, and cable-wise, I mentioned that Google gave you two cables .What’s the difference here?
These two cables are typing A and type C.The end that connects to your keyboard is both type C, and it looks but for most of the keyboard brands that only provide you with one cable.This is some pretty unique and rare cable you get for a keyboard.
Suppose you’re using like a MacBook ell.In that case, you don’t have that much on USB ports, and some of you but a lot of you will end up using another hub. so you can get extra USB C’s, and this will come in very useful for those who don’t use that much of Taipei’s. So this cable will be convenient.
However, for most of you out there, that’s still using Windows.PC, this is your standard cable to go for that side you have.
You like the orange color scheme in this story, but at least they don’t give you those. Ring-type Buddha that scratches your kneecaps. So let’s put aside the accessories box first, and let’s take a look at this key that we have here.
The model we have here is the Taurus cage v10, and it comes in a pretty standard color scheme. It resembles your IBM keyboard or unique home keyboards, which share pretty much the same color scheme other than the attractive or nostalgic color scheme .He keycaps they are using here are actually.
So let’s take a look at the keycaps here. This proper way to remove your keycaps. The keycap they are using here is P bTW caps. A double shot is standard nowadays because to most people. It feels more premium in some ways than your normal.
This kind of kicker will last longer, as most of you will know, other than the keycaps switches they are using here is a carry a message. The one we have is a blue Berrien. They do have another variant like MX brown, black, or rats. So if you’re not a blue swish fan, you can go for those other types of stitches which more favorable to you.
As for the chassis itself, it does look very familiar but pretty sturdy, I would say, and if we look at the back of the keyboard itself, you’ll have five rubber feet here. So all these rubber feet will have to keep the keyboard in place as you can see the grip is quite good. But if you’re feeling like raising the essential bot beat, we do have some rubber pass here as well.
It’s a two-level people’s feet where you can raise two-level as. You can see here that this rubber fits on the keyboard. It will still give you a pretty good grip, but I would prefer to have it lay flat. That’s something subjective have to say, so for the cable where you can connect to a keyboard, you can see that rolling-like design here that helps you guide this connector straight into the heart like most of the keyboard reasonable keyboard nowadays. They do have to keep wrapping hot as well.
So in case if you want to route it to the left or right of your test, then this part can help you do that. So that’s pretty much about the appearance and the construction of the keyboard .Let’s look at some of the keyboard’s features.
If you take a closer look at the LED indicator here, you can see that are a total of five LEDs. Number one is numlock, obviously, and a capital a represents caps lock. The one that has the arrow going down there, and something is stopping. Wish me and scroll up.
The two unique one on the right side is Windows key lock because some of you might have this problem you know accidentally trigger the Windows key during your game not so good right?
So this helps you realize you lock the window security as the M here represents your custom profiles. Suppose you press function keys with f12 because most of the legend that has function they have an additional printing on the side.
You can press FN keys to trigger all these special functions here, and the one that’s called relevant to indicate here will be shown when it’s begun. Typing experience-wise feels pretty good because that is bottoming out, and everything is affected by the thickness of your keycaps. The keycaps they have here are pretty reasonable when it comes to the thickness. So it helps out with your typing experience.
Other than that, the type of stabilizers they are using is quite good. It does resemble some of the good keyboards I tried before, like the opal ducky echo I was there, and it does remind me of those even though it’s more like a hundred percent close, but they did an excellent job in making this a life as well.
If you like to make it better, maybe you can do your mods like clipping that Stan’s been a little mod bit, but that’s too much work if you’re not really into this kind of custom work. This keyboard will find it right out of the box.
Now everything is down to the price, and surprisingly for the features, we’ll get quality and appearance it has .
This key came it’s a pretty quite ok price I would say because this keyboard is priced around five one nine China yen on Taobao or at the China resellers channel. That’s an excellent price, or is the keyboard.
If we were to look at features, this keyboard offers such as the typing experience which is excellent build quality favoriting features extra cables and all this nice function it has that comes with yourself.
So the five-one-nine China yen price is a pretty reasonable price to pay for this kind of quality keyboard you can get.
If you’re one of those who are looking to try something new from China and you don’t care about a warranty, I would say the durood Taurus K310 return here is something that works for you to give a try .
That’s pretty much it for our page today do let us know what you think about this do get k310 we have here.